Whealth Journey – A hobbit’s tale (I am short đŸ˜‰)

3 Years ago, I was overweight (5’6″, 250 lbs) and diagnosed with heart failure, diabetes type II and high blood pressure. 

I am an optimist, a solution finder and can be pretty intense / determined when I set my mind on something. So in a short period of time, I was able to turn the tables around by focusing on my health for the first time in my life. This was at 39 years young. You can read more about it here: Valentine’s day – Part One

Since then, things are going good but I do experience the yoyo effect which I am working on mitigating or maybe even avoiding altogether. Purpose is key to success and I believe fading Purpose is, in part, causing the yoyo effect. 

3 years ago, my Purpose was strong, straight forward and came naturally: I wanted to stay alive and get rid of all the meds. 

I did it for myself

Last week, I started the “WHEALTH Foundations” program which appears to be aligned with my current initiative of following the 1% better every day rule after reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear.

Building small habits instead of going all in / all out (yoyo) seems like a smarter long term approach.

In the program, the coaches ask to figure out our “Why”. This brought me to realize what I wrote above and think about my Purpose. My new “Why” for this lifestyle and health journey. 

I spun my “Why” many different ways. After overthinking it for a while, it became clear: 

“To live a healthy, balanced lifestyle so I can build a family and enjoy the little moments of life with them for years to come.”

So my purpose was initially for myself and actual survival and has now evolved into sharing with someone and growing together.

Thanks to my coach, Stephanie, for constantly helping me figure this stuff out. And calling me out when I need some straightening out haha! đŸ€—

As I often do since I love music so much, i’ll end this blog with a song from one of my favorite artists, Lindsey Stirling.

Crystallize – Lindsey Stirling

It has a pretty deep meaning,” Stirling said. “Basically, it’s about creating inner beauty in yourself first…”

“When we surround ourselves eternally with positivity and we create healthy and positive environments and we do good things for people and ourselves, we’re made up of 70 percent water so the crystals in your body create actual literal inner beauty,” Stirling added. “That’s what ‘Crystallize’ is about. It’s about taking control of your environment, creating beauty within yourself, and therefore creating beauty outside…”


2020 has been an incredible year for personal growth. Online classes and events multiplied like wet Mogwais!

Teachers and guides from all around the world were made available to us. Great mentors are crucial to growth, to success. They help us identify and embrace our core values. Set goals, celebrate successes and learn from failures. They exponentially speed up our learning and growth process through their own experience, knowledge, wisdom and teachings.

Invest in yourself and learn, it’s the best investment you can make!

Pass on what you have learned. Learn to teach and teach to learn. It’s a beautiful cycle and helps us grow as a species. I think we can all agree that after the past few months, we can use a bit of growth around the world!

I had a bit of fun assigning an Element to the 4 mentors that had a big impact on me so far in 2020. This is my way of showing my gratitude for what they’ve done and are doing for me.

Mentors will change as you evolve and grow. Some will make a very short appearance, some will stick around. Great mentors will have a big impact on your life whether they are present for 10 minutes or 10 years.

Earth: Simon (AKA: Simon ;))

Simon provides solid grounds to stand on through his integrity, dedication, guidance and the great Callisthenics community he’s built. He is teaching me to embrace and defy Earth’s gravity through strength, patience and perseverance.

Water: Andréanne (AKA: Yogi Nomade)

In 2018 I was jump started physically. In 2020, AndrĂ©anne jump started me mentally and emotionally. Through compassion and empathy, she taught me how to find courage. To open up and learn how to let go. Water is the genesys for life and I think it’s pretty fitting since I might not have been writing this had I not opened up. It’s where and how this new journey all started! Words cannot express how grateful I am and forever will be that our paths have crossed.

Fire: Christina (AKA: Movement Queen)

Christina is pure fire and a ball of focused energy! One of the most beautiful human beings I have had the chance to interact with. She is free spirited and the embodiment of a Growth Mindset. This is why I truly enjoy learning from her.

Through Budokon and her fiery passion, she teaches us how to let go, be courageous and creative. How to develop character
 strength, both physical and mental.

Thinking about my next class with her gets me fired up! When she teaches, she does it with clear intent, focus, intensity, passion and intelligence.

All of this makes learning from her a truly remarkable experience. I am sure Budokon is as grateful to have her as an ambassador as I am having her as a mentor.

Air: Stéphanie (AKA: Catalyseur de Potentiel)

StĂ©phanie is guiding me to better understand myself and my core values. She’s helping me define a clear vision and find focus.  She is the wind in my sails to keep me flowing and going in the right direction.

Void (Aether): True Self?

In Japanese Buddhism, there is a fifth element: Void 

It resonates with me and everything I’m learning about the true self.

“A warrior properly attuned to the Void can sense their surroundings and act without using the mind, and without using their “physical senses”.”

Sounds a bit like what I explained (or tried to ;)) in “Laser Focus”. 

As I mentioned in the above mentioned post, music is a catalyst for me
 So, I will conclude this blog by sharing a music video by Lindsey Stirling. She also is a 2020 discovery for me and through her art and intelligence, Lindsey constantly inspires me… helps me find focus, creativity and put the pieces together. So in a way she is indirectly a great teacher.

This beautiful song called “Elements” seems to be quite fitting for this post.


When you start a journey to become healthier, somewhere along the way you’ll discover the importance of balance. And when you do, if you’re like me, you’ll probably fight it at first.

For those of us who have a perfectionist personality also usually comes the all or nothing attitude.

The more you learn about yourself the more levers you have to play with. Learning various ways to become healthier, physically, mentally and emotionally. It can and probably will be daunting.

You’ll go in full force, pulling down one lever to progress as much as possible, as fast as possible. This will inevitably bring another lever all the way up and cause imbalance.

No matter how coaches and teachers repeat it, us perfectionists stubborn people have to pull on a lever all the way down and get out of balance in order to learn. What matters is what we do with this new information and how we get back up and adjust the lever.

In my blog “Laser Focus” I slowly started to understand the concept of balancing thoughts and emotions. Since then, I read a book by Dr Joe Dispenza called “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One”.

It’s an incredible book that made me realize quite a few things about why we react and act in certain ways and how to find balance.

With time, we learn to pull and adjust each lever slowly, one at a time. It requires a lot of trying, failing, patience, discipline and most of all, self love.

This image shared by Dr. Nicole LePera is the best I’ve seen to represent the various levers to play with and find balance.


A few days ago I wrote The Perfect Imperfection.

I wrote a blog a day since. This is out of character for me for multiple reasons.

I usually want to review over and over. Change… rearrange continuously… Have someone review and approve. Then review it myself again and again. This can take days or even weeks. And then after weeks, doubt and fear of judgement sets in and I end up not publishing it at all.

After I wrote The Perfect Imperfection, I unconsciously started working on something that came up during one of my classes with my incredible teacher, Christina De Freitas. Deconstruction. Deconstructing some of my thoughts, emotions or some of my traits.

Last few blogs I wrote, I wrote quickly with minimal review and didn’t look for outside approval before publishing.  Slowly deconstructing my quest for perfection and my fear of judgement.

  1. 42 – The answer to everything – I wrote this on my 42th birthday. As simple as what I wrote is, I wouldn’t have published this a few weeks ago out of fear.
  2. No place I’d rather be – This one deconstructed both perfectionism and the fear of judgement. I would normally have taken days to film the perfect scenes and then days or weeks to cut and move pieces. I decided to let go
 just go out and start filming. My nephew and I edited it in under an hour. What was important wasn’t really how the video looked, it was the intent and the message behind it. Before publishing the video, I was afraid of what people would think of the message or the result. But I overcame that irrational fear and just did it.
  3. Laser Focus – Here I talk about something I don’t understand well. I feared I would be all wrong in how I understand or explain it. Then, I just didn’t care if it’s right or wrong. It just felt right at the time and I went ahead.

Letting go, not overthinking and deconstructing some of our deep rooted thoughts and emotions is quite liberating.

Laser Focus

I have been fascinated by the mind and body connection lately. This is all new to me and it’s been very exciting.

During my morning walk I realized music is a catalyst for creativity in my case. If the right song is played at the right time, something happens.

It happened this morning with Lindsey Stirling’s song “The Arena” and that’s when I realized what was truly happening.

I was thinking about the mind and body connection and how mine have been out of tune for a very long time. Something that looks like this:

Lately, I’ve been learning more and more on the topic. I’ve learned to slowly align the two a little better. So I’ve been oscillating between what you see above and this:

This morning I realized that, from time to time, including at that particular moment, this happens:

When this happens, my thoughts and emotions are in tune and I become laser focused. Clarity and creativity set in and I have an infinite range of ideas, solutions, realizations to pick and choose from.

So far, this only happened with the right music and the right timing. When it does, it feels great. I am light as a feather, strong as an ox and laser focused. I feel like I could fly, move mountains and cut through metal.

I can’t wait to explore this more, it feels amazing.

What’s your catalyst?

42 – The answer to everything

Today I turned 42. Feels like 24.

According to Douglas Adams’s novel, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 42 is the answer to the “ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything,”.

41 was already pretty intense so if this is true, watch out! Haha!

I feel younger, stronger and much wiser than ever.

You all can feel like this, it’s all about mindset

Move your body, free your mind
 Be happy!

“It might seem crazy what I’m ’bout to say
Sunshine she’s here, you can take a break
I’m a hot air balloon that could go to space
With the air, like I don’t care baby by the way

Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I’m happy
Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do
Hey, go, uh
Bring me down, can’t nothin’
Bring me down
My level’s too high to bring me down
Can’t nothin’ bring me down”

Go get it!

The Perfect Imperfection

Hi. I’m Matt and I’m a perfectionist.

I was thinking about mindset and its effects on how we see the world. If we change our mindset, we might just be able to see perfection in imperfection.

Once you realize this, you stop focusing, wasting time and effort on things that don’t matter and you move forward. You stay away from the “on & off switch”, the “all or nothing” mindset and see the 50 shades of grey instead.

Aiming for perfection is fine and we should all aim high! However, wanting to reach perfection in everything you do is a waste of time and effort in my opinion. Achieve the perfect imperfection and you’ll achieve more than most.

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.”


Keep working until you achieve perfection and you’ll stall, stagnate and miss out on a lot of other accomplishments along the way. And let’s be honest, you’ll never reach perfection in anything and that’s a beautiful thing.

Learn to let go. Don’t let perfectionism turn into an unhealthy obsession blinding you to what really matters. I say “unhealthy obsession” because being obsessed can be healthy in my opinion. It’s how and what you’re obsessed with that matters. But I digress, obsession is probably a topic for another blog.

All of this doesn’t mean to get lazy and accept mediocrity. Lex Fridman said it best.

“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good, but also: don’t let society’s acceptance of mediocrity be the enemy of excellence.⁠”

Lex Fridman

Find balance. See the shades of grey. Achieve the perfect imperfection. And what is perfectly imperfect today most probably won’t be tomorrow, constantly evolving depending on your state of mind.

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